Worker Nodes

A Worker Node on the Conduit Network is the connective tissue between the Conduit Service Layer and tangible resources (bandwidth, compute, any measurable asset with value) via a Smart Meter that can measure changes on that resource. Joining a qualifying computer to the Conduit Network with a valid Conduit Node0 License will cause the machine to be fully managed by the Conduit Network (with the ability to assign it specific work or offer it to meet network demand) and enable that computer to participate in Conduit Mining activities. Assigned work will earn compensation for fulfilling work measured by Smart Meters via a Security Module for Billing and Settlement.

A common deployment of a Worker Node would be a Compute Module that offers the compute resources of the computer that it is deployed on to be fully allocated by the Conduit Network. In this scenario the Conduit Network would provision the machine to run the Worker Node OS, which includes a hypervisor. Then, based on demand of the Network, decide how to use those resources. This could be to add them to a cluster for containerized workloads or set up to be a Virtual Private Server (VPS), or a combination of both.

Worker Nodes are classified by the Smart Meter(s) they run as well as the Trust Level they qualify for. Market price for work fulfillment will increase with Trust Level, due to the overhead of operating a Worker Node at a higher Trust Level.

Anatomy of a Worker Node