Mining with a Security Module

Security Module Rewards

Security Modules are eligible to receive rewards from both Distribution Pools (based on all Conduit Network economic activity) and from direct mining (Block Rewards) based on CROP contributions.

Distribution Pool Rewards

The Distribution Pools that a Security Module can receive from are the Performance Incentive Pool and the ROI pool. The Party that owns the Security Module is entitled to allocations from the ROI Distribution pool until the value used to acquire the Security Module has been recouped. The Party that owns the Security Module is also entitled to allocations from the Performance Incentive Pool, if they meet prescribed Conduit Network service requirements (up-time, bandwidth, etc.).

Mining with Fees

Security Modules also Mine from the Block Rewards Pool as they are uniquely able to Mine with the Service Fees and Billing and Settlement Fees they collect, which are automatically converted to CROP contributions for the operating Party. A normal scenario for a Security Module could be that they act as the Billing and Settlement node for around 100 Parties (i.e. family members' transactions, their own and their friends' and families' business transactions) from which they collect Service Fees and Billing and Settlement Fees as CROP contributions, in addition to their own personal transactions.